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JP摩根 追逐 Commits $7.4500万美元,帮助缩小南佛罗里达及其他地区的住房负担能力差距

太阳能和能源贷款基金和迈阿密人人享有家园将获得慈善承诺,以改善气候适应型住房的获取和供应, affordable housing

December 9, 2022 (MIAMI)—JP摩根 追逐 announced two nonprofit organizations, Miami Homes For All and Solar and Energy Loan Fund (SELF), 将获得总计超过700万美元的慈善资金,以帮助增加气候适应能力的供应, affordable housing:

  • Miami Homes For All will receive $4.4500万年 to increase the supply of affordable, climate resilient housing by working with Black, 拉丁美洲人 and Hispanic 开发人员 and property owners to advance the production and preservation of small-scale multifamily housing (<50 units).
  • SELF will receive $3 million to increase the supply of affordable, 通过扩大他们的SAGE住宅项目为黑人提供气候适应性住房, 拉丁美洲人 and Hispanic 开发人员 and property owners. SELF还将扩大其针对中低收入房主的绿色家居改善计划.

“Miami Homes For All和我们的合作伙伴对12bet官方为黑人和西班牙裔开发商和业主提供创新经济适用房模式的机会感到非常兴奋,” says Annie Lord, Executive Director of Miami Homes For All. “这笔拨款使我们有机会解决低收入社区的流离失所问题, co-developing solutions with the residents of those neighborhoods. 它还将为政策提供信息,为在全国范围内长期建设更多经济适用房铺平道路."

“SELF很荣幸获得12bet官方的投资, 哪些将支持开发商和有色人种房东参与创建气候弹性, affordable housing,” says Duanne Andrade, SELF Chief Strategic and Financial Officer, “我们的目标是支持社区成员为社区成员领导的项目. We are excited to begin this work in South Florida, with the goal of scaling our model across the Southeast.”

Today’s announcement is part of JP摩根 追逐’s $400 million, five-year commitment 提高有色人种家庭的住房负担能力和稳定性,反映了公司应对住房危机的战略. 迈阿密全民之家和合作伙伴旨在加强非营利组织之间的合作, 迈阿密-戴德县住房系统的私人和公共资源,以增加经济适用房的供应, SELF专注于证明气候友好型住房的创新融资可以在全国范围内成功扩展和复制.

“创新, 经济适用房迫切需要可持续性和可扩展性, which is critical for inclusive growth in communities and economies,” Abigail Suarez, Head of Neighborhood Development for JP摩根 追逐. “The goal of these commitments is to create more housing, 还要开发可重复和可扩展的住房解决方案,以满足迈阿密-戴德和全国各地社区的需求.”

The United States is experiencing a housing shortage of nearly 3.8 million units nationwide, which disproportionately affects low-income Black, Hispanic and 拉丁美洲人 households.1 The housing crisis is further exacerbated by climate change, 2021年,美国每10个家庭中就有1个受到极端天气影响.2 In Florida in particular, the pandemic and the devastating impact of climate related events, including Hurricane Ian, 是否加剧了中低收入居民的经济适用房危机, especially renters of color.3

“迈阿密-戴德县在过去两年中经历了巨大的增长, welcoming historic investment and rapid development. As our County continues to grow, 我们必须确保我们正在建设一个为每个人服务的迈阿密戴德, and that starts with housing,” Daniella Levine Cava, Miami-Dade County Mayor. “With this commitment from JP摩根 追逐, we’ll both increase our supply of climate-resilient, 经济适用房,并支持创新的开发商和有思想的房东,他们正在寻求投资自己的社区."

SELF和Miami Homes For All是迈阿密戴德县市长Daniella Levine Cava的积木基金的成员, 是什么将开发商与各种灵活的资金来源联系起来,以创造和保护经济适用房.

Today’s announcement is part of JP摩根 追逐’s $30 billion commitment 促进种族平等,推动包容性经济复苏,该计划于2020年10月宣布. 要了解更多关于12bet官方如何努力弥合种族贫富差距的信息,请访问 sk8u.globalcors.com/racialequity.

More about Miami Homes For All

迈阿密全民之家将与迈阿密工人中心合作, The Allapattah Collaborative CDC, 市长办公室为开发商和业主提供催化资金, 和资金. This work is part of the Connecting Capital and Community 与社区投资中心合作,旨在推进公平的住房解决方案.

More about SELF

SELF是一家绿色的社区发展金融机构(CDFI),有12年的历史,提供可获得的融资,以增加可负担住房的供应, 健康的, and sustainable. With this philanthropic commitment, SELF also aims to help Black, 拉丁美洲人, 西班牙裔房主可以根据他们的还款能力获得房屋修缮融资, rather than on credit scores. SELF正在通过虚拟借贷平台扩展这种公平的融资模式,该平台允许其他组织在其所在地区快速采用和部署该产品. SELF will also provide capital and training to landlords, 开发人员, 有色人种的承包商增加改造和创造绿色, affordable housing. 12bet官方将与城市研究所合作,支持SELF执行其战略并分享见解.

关于 JP摩根 追逐

JP摩根 追逐 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.7 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JP摩根 追逐 & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about JP摩根 追逐 & Co. is available at sk8u.globalcors.com